Having danced since the age of two, Selkie Hom discovered the aerial arts twelve years ago and has been in demand internationally for her unique mix of grace and strength ever since. She has been working in the entertainment industry in a multitude of ways for the entirety of those twelve years, beginning her time in the throws of the avant-garde circus, Lucent Dossier. At this time, in an (albeit) impulsive and life changing move, she chose to leave the University of California to pursue a life less ordinary. She then travelled and performed all over the world with this circus and many others. Mission accomplished. Four years ago this led her into the stunt industry. She has since performed in over forty shows (including The Orville where Seth MacFarlane is quoted as saying she performed his “all time favorite stunt”), and most recently doubling one of her childhood character heroes, Mulan. Through this avenue, she entered into the world of action acting. Her credits in this area include the shows Training Day, Lethal Weapon, Rush Hour, Lucifer, Rizzoli and Isles, Speechless, and Criminal Minds. Recognized for her sensitive musicality and daring feats of athleticism, she is known for bringing a sense of wonder to audiences (in all formats) everywhere, and this is equally matched in her storytelling, both acted and written. Exploration of the nuanced world and her ability to translate it into her art has been her life long passion and pursuit.
Erin Brown Thomas has been expressing herself through dance and movement her entire life. At one year old, her parents discovered that she had learned to pull up and flip out of her crib. In response to her bountiful energy her parents enrolled her in gymnastics where she rose through the ranks quickly and competed at the elite level, vying for a spot on the 2000 Sydney Olympic games. Spending formative years in this highly competitive environment taught Erin how to enter a zone and hit each movement with precision by staying in the moment. Preparation and visualization beforehand married with personality and whimsy during a performance helped Erin thrive in gymnastics. These are instincts she has taken with her into her filmmaking career where she has worked professionally as a director, writer, and editor. Collaborators have included Selena Gomez, Eminem, Zach Galifianakis, and many more heavy hitters including recent collaborators Lena Dunham, Emmy Rossum, and Elisabeth Moss. Erin was a participant in the DGA's Commercial Director's Diversity Workshop and an Artist in Residence at the 2019 Palm Spring International Shortfest. Her films have screened in over 100 festivals worldwide.When not on set, Erin amuses herself by dangling from the air as an aerial silks acrobat.


A journey into the spotlight.
"I'm no prophet or Messiah
Should go looking somewhere higher"
Filmed on location in Salida, CO.

It’s a loud world shouting at us from every screen of every size; telling us who we are, what we believe, and what we need to think. We've almost forgotten what it means to truly be alone with ourselves.

"And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem"
Filmed on Location in Los Angeles, CA.

A woman finds the strength to cut off a toxic attachment.
"The crazy days, city lights
The way you'd play with me like a child"
Filmed in Las Vegas, NV

"And if you come around again
Then I will take the chain from off the door."
Filmed on Location in Santa Clarita, CA.

"Take me down
I'm feeling now
And if I move on
I admit you're gone"
Filmed on Location to Louisville, OH.